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Mar, 2022

2022 Coach's Clinic, Field Cleanup, Equipment & Uniform Handout

JLL Coaches,

This weekend marks the true start to our season. We have an exciting and busy Saturday planned. 

Coach’s Clinic

Where: Johnston Middle School Gymnasium (Use North Entrance please)

When: 9:00AM-11:30AM

High School coach Mike Barta will be running the clinic with tips, and drills to improve your      player’s skills. After introduction Big Bat and 6/7U Coach Pitch Coaches will split off and get separate instruction from Board Members Brian Spanhut, Shane Sandersfeld, and Eric Chamberland tailored to the younger players.

Equipment and Uniform handout

Where: Lew Clarkson Park: Little League Field Garages by concession stand

When: 12:00PM-2:00PM

Board Members Lane Sires, and Todd McClish will be handing out all equipment and uniforms for the season. This is the only day we will be handing out equipment. If you need a special arrangement please email me directly. This includes Youth Umpires.

Field Maintenance instruction

Where: Lew Clarkson Park: Avaux Field

When: 12:15PM-12:30PM

Board Member Mark Avaux will be instructing a tutorial on how to properly care for the fields. Johnston Little League spends a lot of money to keep our fields nice and it is important they are cared for properly. If you have never attended, it is highly suggested.

Field Cleanup

Where: All Little League Fields

When: 12:00PM- 2:00PM

We have lots of work to do at each field and park wide, to get the park ready for the first game. Each field will have a board member in charge to advise on what is needed. To volunteer for general help go to the area around the Camos Cages and look for Board Member Travis Burleson (big beard, usually wearing a Johnston Little League hat).


Thank you all so much for volunteering. I am looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday and having a great season.


Eric Chamberland & Chris Andrews

Co-Presidents – Johnston Little League

[email protected]
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